Farm King Supply, Inc.

farm equipment and suppliesapparel retailappliancesart supplies and suppliersautomobile partsautomobile repairs and servicebicycle sales & servicebook dealers & storesbuilding hardware, materials, suppliesconstructiondiscount and thrift storesfurniture and home furnishingsgift shops and collectiblesgunshealth and wellnesshome goodshousehold and commercial storageice cream and frozen yogurtoffice supplies, furniture, equipmentoptical and eye carepaint and wallpaperpest controlpet care, grooming, boarding, suppliesplumbing, plumbers, plumbing suppliersretailersrunning shoes and apparelswimming pools and spastire dealerswarranty and servicewomens apparel
Mon-Fri 8-8 Sat 8-7 Sun 9-6
About Us
The Family Store With More! Farm King offers many products including Farm, Hardware, Tools, Sporting Goods, Clothing, Housewares, Animal Health, etc. For over 47 years, Farm King in Galesburg has been a mainstay for the Agricultural Community.
- Sporting Goods
- Farm and Animal Health
- Lawn & Garden, Automotive, Oil Changes
- Clothing and Footwear, Domestics, Cleaning & Disposal and Paint
- Electrical, Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, Tools
