Tri States Public Radio

radio stationscommunicationsnon-profit organizations
About Us
Tri States Public Radio is an outreach service of the College of Fine Arts and Communication at Western Illinois University. We provide information and entertainment of the highest possible caliber to enrich and engage the public, enhance quality of life, and meet the diverse needs of people in our region and beyond.
Tri States Public Radio endorses and is guided by the Public Media Code of Integrity.
Tri States Public Radio is the region's voice for award-winning National Public Radio news and locally produced programming. Our listeners enjoy classical music, as well as the uniquely American sounds of jazz and folk music. We are the area's premier public radio service, serving a growing group of discriminating listeners. From our humble beginnings in 1956 as a student-run laboratory in Western Illinois University's Tillman Hall, we have become the region's National Public Radio member station broadcasting quality programs that inform, enlighten and entertain.